Cause Marketing Solutions

A Cause Marketing Solution for Non-Profits in need of Fund Raising

I think most of us who have done fundraisers can fill a page or two with the nightmarish stories that have happened along the way.  Maybe it was the overzealous board member pushing their own agenda or the hundreds of melting cookie dough tubs waiting to be picked up.  Don’t even get me started on all the lost or ‘misplaced’ money that the 12 and 13 year olds couldn’t find after the candy bar sale.

If any of this sounds like one of your fundraising experiences and you are ready to strangle the next person who wants you to help chair the fundraising position.  I am here to tell you I have found a better way.  

I have graduated, so to speak, from the ranks of teacher, coach and board member in charge of putting together the fundraisers to an intermediary position of helping other non-profit groups generate the funds they so desperately need without all the usual nightmares we have all experienced.

For those still with me who are brave enough to peek out from their fundraising hiding holes I would like to introduce you to your new best friend, A Cause Marketing Solution ready to slay your money problems and let you move forward with your groups mission.  Don’t get stuck in the muck and mire of traditional fundraising, step up to a new system.

Intrigued?  That’s good.  Cause Marketing might not fit for every situation and I am sure there must be a problem or two, but when I hear that the company with the products does all the sales, all the collections, all the taxes, all the shipping, customer service, delivery, customer complaints and does not require me or my group to do any sort of door to door sales or wash anything or show up on a Saturday to sit in a parking lot behind some great smelling brownies I can’t eat then I am asking myself and anyone within 50 feet of me “WHERE DO I SIGN?”

If you are “Ready to Sign” I am ready to help you out.  I am still a teacher, a parent and the swim team board member, but now I am also the ‘man with a plan’.  I found a great company that is willing to get any non-profit group set up with their own Cause Marketing solution and get them set up for free.  (Found is not quite the correct term since I have been using their products for about 20 years.  You know the feeling of searching for your sunglasses, tearing up the house, just to find them on your head.  BAM!  Sometimes the things we need and are looking for are right there, we just keep looking past them….)

Take a look at this video PowerPoint I put together.  It explains a little more about Cause Marketing and the Shaklee Corporation.  Keep in mind, I am not a professional internet video guy, but I am a regular guy who has a wife, 6 kids, and a real compassion for those willing to volunteer their time to just ‘help out’.  If you are in need of a fundraising solution, contact me.  I would love to ‘help you out’.

Let me know how I can Help You...